Legal Value of Certifications

Legal value of the certifications provided by Informatica in Azienda as evidence to be presented in the courts

Our forensic computer studio was the first in Italy to offer this service. The certified copy is made through a forensic acquisition program recognized in all the courts! Furthermore, our acquisitions are also stored on a dedicated and secure server to allow the verification of the integrity of the data also by the police or the courts! Few provide you with such a qualified service!

Our certified copy, forensic acquisition of websites or web pages, will have the probative value for the following reasons:

  • the Internet address of the acquired page (#) is registered;
  • is indicated the type of browser used for the acquisition;
  • is logged the IP address that provided the web client with the same page, time, program used for copying and related data;
  • is “crystallized” the source code of the page with all the connected objects (blob files, image files, compressed files, documents, audio files, video files, executable files, scripts and all the programming languages called by the page code);
  • are shown in the report we deliver the digital signatures and security certificates from our professional computer forensics office;
  • is present the timestamp (*) on each digitally signed file to provide proof of the acquisition date. The digital signature with timestamp is affixed by the owner of our forensic computer studio, Dr. Emanuel Celano;
  • the network packets of the entire navigation are recorded to demonstrate the authenticity of the evidence collected and the conformity to the original;
  • We are among the few certifiers to also provide proof of certification directly on the servers of the producers of the forensic acquisition program that we use. The judges of every court can therefore verify the presence of our acquisition not only through our files (digitally signed with timestamp) but also independently, on the server of the acquisition program producers, checking all the technical information that is recorded in their database (we talk about: checking code acquisition, the url acquired, the data and time start acquisition, the date and time end acquisition and the client ip that performed the acquisition)
  • is provided the “forensically sound” (**) video of the entire acquisition;

(#) The URL (the locution stands for Uniform Resource Locator or URL ) in computer terminology is a sequence of characters that uniquely identifies the address of an internet resource.

(*) The time stamp is a service offered by an Accredited Certification Authority [ European eIDAS Regulation (n.910/2014 of 23 July 2013) ] which allows you to associate certain and legally valid date and time with the document to which it was affixed, thus allowing you to associate a timestamp that can be enforced against third parties and providing proof of the existence of a document at the time of generation of the timestamp itself. We apply digital signatures also valid for non-European countries!

(**) Digital evidence is said to be forensically sound if it was collected, analyzed, handled and stored in a manner that is acceptable by the law, and there is reasonable evidence to prove so.

Would you like an answer to any of these questions?

  • How is the certification delivered?
  • In which language the accompanying report is delivered?
  • Does the certification have legal value?
  • Can we have a demo of your work?
  • Do you want to be paid on delivery or in advance?
  • What are the payment methods provided?
  • How can I trust you?
  • Do you guarantee your presence at the court hearing in my country?
  • Can your certification be contested?
  • Why a screenshot has no legal value?
  • How long is the certification kept on our archive?
  • Does the certification have a validity deadline?
  • Is the certification valid outside the European Union?

The forensics web content acquisition software we use

The forensics web content acquisition software we use has been developed and is kept up-to-date following the regulatory indications of international standards on the acquisition of computer data, moreover it complies with other standards, in terms of Network Forensics and Cloud Forensics, established and recognized by the technical authority and the scientific community at national and international level.

The program complies with the following regulations:

  • International Organization for Standardization, ISO/IEC 27037/2012: Information technology – Security techniques – Guidelines for identification, collection, acquisition and preservation of digital evidence;
  • IACIS, IFI Training Program, Internet Forensics and Investigation, 2015;
  • Sudhanshu Chauhan & Nutan Kumar Panda, Hacking Web Intelligence: Open Source Intelligence and Web Reconnaissance Concepts and Techniques, Syngress – Elsevier, 225 Wyman Street, Waltham, MA 02451, USA, 2015;
  • Bill Nelson – Amelia Phillip – Christopher Steuart, Guide to Computer Forensics and Investigations, Fifth Edition, Cengage Learning, 2015;
  • Meyer, G., & Stander, A. (2015). Cloud computing: The digital forensics challenge. Proceedings of Informing Science & IT Education Conference (InSITE) 2015, 285- 299;
  • NIST Interagency Report 8006 NIST Cloud Computing Forensic Science Challenges, 2014;
  • Darren Quick – Ben Martini – Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo – Brett Shavers, Technical Editor, Cloud Storage Forensics, Syngress – Elsevier, 225 Wyman Street, Waltham, MA 02451, USA, 2014;
  • Todd G. Shipley & Art Bowker, Investigating Internet Crimes: An Introduction to Solving Crimes in Cyberspace, Syngress – Elsevier, 225 Wyman Street, Waltham, MA 02451, USA, 2014;
  • Barbara Endicott-Popovsky, ICCSM2014-Proceedings of the International Conference on Cloud Security, The cedars Univeristy of Reading, UK, 23-24 October 2014;
  • Gilbert Peterson & Sujeet Shenoi, Advances in Digital Forensics IX: 9th IFIP WG 11.9 International Conference on Digital Forensics, Orlando, FL, USA, January 28-30, 2013, Revised. In Information and Communication Technology, Springer Heidelberg NewYork Dordrecht London;
  • Ruan, Keyun, Cybercrime and Cloud Forensics: Applications for Investigation Processes, University College Dublin, Igi Global, 2013;
  • CSA (Cloud Security Alliance) “Mapping the Forensic Standard ISO/IEC 27037 to Cloud Computing” – June 2013;
  • CoE Electronic Evidence Guide, Data Protection and Cybercrime Division – Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France, 18 March 2013;
  • International Conference On Forensic Computer Science (ICOFCS), Cloud Forensics. Best Practice And Challenges For Process Efficiency Of Investigations And Digital Forensics, Brasilia, Brazil, 2013;
  • IISFA Italian Chapter, IISFA Memberbook 2013 Digital Forensics: Condivisione della conoscenza tra i membri dell’IISFA Italian Chapter;
  • IISFA Italian Chapter, IISFA Memberbook 2012 Digital Forensics: Condivisione della conoscenza tra i membri dell’IISFA Italian Chapter;
  • ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence, Association of Chief Policy Officers, Version 5, 2012.
  • Harjinder Singh Lallie – Lee Pimlott, Challenges in applying the ACPO principles in cloud forensic investigations – Applying the ACPO Principles in Public Cloud Forensic Investigations, in Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law, Vol. 7 (1), 2012;
  • Sherri Davidoff – Jonathan Ham, Network Forensics Tracking Hackers through Cyberspace, Prentice Hall – Pearson Education, Westford, Massachusetts, 2012;
  • Josiah Dykstra-Alan T. Sherman, Acquiring forensic evidence from infrastructure-as-a-service cloud computing: Exploring and evaluating tools, trust, and techniques, Digital Investigation 9 (2012) S90 – S98, Elsevier, 2012;
  • E.S.Pilli, R.C.Joshi, R.Niyogi, Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime – Proceedings of the 2nd international ICST Conference ICDF2C 2010 – “An IP Traceback Model for Network Forensics”, Springer, 2011;
  • Gilbert Peterson,Sujeet Shenoi, Advances in Digital Forensics VII – Proceedings of the VII IFIP WG international conference on Digital Forensics 2011 – “Cloud Forensics” (K.Ruan, J.Carthy, T.Kechadi, M. Crosbie), Addison-Wesley, Boston, Massachusetts, 2011;
  • Guide to Integrating Forensic Techniques into Incident Response – NIST Special Publication 800-86;
  • Clint P Garrison, Digital Forensics for Network, Internet, and Cloud Computing: A Forensic Evidence Guide for Moving Targets and Data, Syngress – Elsevier, 30 Corporate Drive, Suite 400, Burlington, MA 01803, USA, 2010;
  • V. Roussev – L. Wang – G Richard – L. Marziale, A cloud computing platform for large-scale forensic computing, in Advances in Digital Forensics V, G. Peterson and S. Shenoi (Eds.), Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 2009;
  • RFC 3227 – Guidelines for Evidence Collection and Archiving, 2002;
  • Italian Law nr. 48 of 18 March 2008 “Ratification and execution of the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime, made in Budapest on 23 November 2001”;
  • Budapest Convention on Cybercrime – Council of Europe – 23 November 2001.
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