Google Takeout Certification : anything that can be legally certified for your account

Google Takeout Certification : anything that can be legally certified for your account

Not everyone knows about the Google service called “Google Takeout”. This is a very important section that offers the possibility to download all the data of a Google account. In this article, let’s see together what it is possible to certify with legal value to present evidence or support a legal case.

First let’s see how to reach this section. After logging into your google account, just go to this address:

There are over 50 google services for which it is possible to export data. Here are some :

  • “Access Log Activity” (*) – Collection of account activity logs
  • Android Device Configuration Service
    Android device attributes, performance data, software versions, and account identifiers.
  • Arts & Culture
    Favorites and galleries you’ve created on Google Arts & Culture.
  • Blogger
    Your Blogger blogs, including posts, pages, comments and videos, as well as settings and your Blogger profile.
  • Calendar
    Your calendar data in iCalendar format
  • Chrome
    Bookmarks, history, and other settings from Chrome
  • Classic Sites
    The content and attachments of your sites created in Classic Sites
  • Classroom
    Your Classroom classes, posts, submissions, and rosters
  • Contacts
    Contacts and contact photos you added yourself, as well as contacts saved from your interactions in Google products like Gmail.
  • Crisis User Reports
    Information provided to help others during crises
  • Data Shared for Research
    Responses saved with your Google Account from your participation in Google research studies and projects.
  • Drive
    Files you own that have been stored in your My Drive and Computers.
  • Fit
    Your Google Fit data, including your workouts, sleep data, and daily metrics like steps and distance.
  • “Google Account” (*)
    Data about registration and account activity.
  • Google Business Profile
    All data related to your business
  • Google Chat
    The users, groups, conversation history and attachments for your Google Chat domain.
  • Google Cloud Search
    Content metadata ingested as part of Google Cloud Search indexing flow, and user search activity data
  • Google Developers
    Records of your Developer Profile and the activity associated with it.
  • Google Help Communities
    Your ask and reply contributions to the Google Help Communities including text and images posted
  • Google Pay
    Your saved passes, activity using virtual account numbers, and transaction history from Google services, like Play and YouTube and peer to peer payments, in the Google Pay app.
  • Google Photos
    Your photos and videos from Google Photos.
  • Google Play Books
    The titles and authors of your purchased and uploaded books in Google Play Books, plus notes and bookmarks.
  • Google Play Console
    Developer information for your Android Apps
  • Google Play Games Services
    Data, including achievements and scores, from games you play.
  • Google Play Movies & TV
    Your Google Play Movies & TV preferences, services, watchlist, and ratings.
  • Google Play Store
    Data about your app installs, ratings, and orders
  • Google Shopping
    Google Shopping order history, loyalty, addresses and reviews.
  • Google Translator Toolkit
    Documents you have in your Google Translator Toolkit.
  • Google Workspace Marketplace
    Metadata which describes an application published in Google Workspace Marketplace.
  • Groups
    Data for your usage of Google Groups and for Google Groups that you own.
  • Hangouts
    Your sent attachments from Hangouts.
  • Hangouts on Air
    Questions you asked or owned in the Hangouts on Air Q&A app.
  • Home App
    Device, room, home and history information from the Home App.
  • Keep
    Notes and media attachments stored in Google Keep
  • Location History (**)
    Your locations and settings from Google Location History.
  • Mail
    Messages and attachments in your Gmail account in MBOX format. User settings from your Gmail account in JSON format
  • Maps
    Your preferences and personal places in Maps
  • Maps (your places)
    Records of your starred places and place reviews.
  • My Activity
    Records of your activity data, along with image and audio attachments.
  • My Maps
    Maps, layers, features and media stored in your My Maps.
  • News
    Data about the magazines, categories, and sources you are interested in.
  • Phone Audio
    Phone audio and transcriptions
  • Pinpoint
    Your data from Pinpoint, including files you have uploaded
  • Profile
    Settings and images from your Google profile.
  • Purchases & Reservations
    Your purchases and reservations made using Search, Maps, and the Assistant.
  • Reminders
    Reminders that you created with Google.
  • Saved
    Collections of saved links (images, places, web pages, etc.) from Google Search and Maps
  • Search Contributions
    Your ratings, reviews, comments and other contributions to Google Search
  • Street View
    Images and videos you have uploaded to Google Street View.
  • Tasks
    Data for your open and completed tasks.
  • Voice
    Your saved Google Voice call history, messages and voicemails as well as current linked numbers.
  • YouTube and YouTube Music
    Watch and search history, videos, comments and other content you’ve created on YouTube and YouTube Music

Google Takeout’s most important Legal Certifications

Among these sections, some are more important from a legal point of view because they are often used to present evidence and are:

  • “Access Log Activity” (*) and “Google Account” (*). This data is used to legally prove whether access violations have been committed in your account. You can request a certificate of unauthorized access here : Account Abusive Access Certification [ click here ]
  • “Location History” (**). Google location history is used to prove that that a device was in a particular place at a specific time. You can request a certification of your location history here : Google Location History Certification [ click here ]


Access Log Activity
Access Log Activity
google account from google takeout
google account from google takeout




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