Messenger chat certification

We certify with legal value the content of a Messenger chat with text, images, file and video

If you need to certify the content of a messenger chat, you can request our certification service with legal value.

The certification we perform takes place remotely without having to send the device to our office!

Ensuring certification of Messenger chat content is essential not only to establish legal validity but also to increase the value of your complaint. By having a certified recording of the conversation, you can accurately present the exchange of information and the context in which your complaint is based. This not only strengthens the legal validity of the message, but also serves as a reliable source of evidence in case of disputes or legal proceedings. Additionally, certified chat content can help maintain transparency and accountability, further solidifying the integrity of the complaints process.

Why is it important to certify the contents of a chat ? Messenger Certification

1) Content on your mobile phone can quickly disappear or the phone could be broken or stolen. If we don’t certify the content right away, we will lose the opportunity to legally use the evidence.

2) Screenshots of a chat are manipulable. The digital content is easily editable by anyone with minimal computer knowledge. Anyone can edit the content of a screenshot, thus losing the legal value we thought was provable, and such evidence will not be admissible in court. It will be sufficient for the opposing party’s lawyer to deny its validity and your screenshot will immediately be rejected as invalid evidence.

Our Messenger certification will legally establish that evidence existed on a certain date and that the content was not manipulated. Learn more about the legal value of certification in our two areas:
Legal value ( click here )
FAQ : where you can find the answers to all important questions (click here)

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