Deepfake Certification to file a legal complaint

We certify Deepfake content to file a legal complaint

If you have been defamed because of a Deepfake video or Deepfake audio you can request our certification service with legal value.

Deepfakes are videos manipulated with artificial intelligence to make it appear that a person is saying or doing something they did not really do. This newly evolving technology has raised concerns about information manipulation and the spread of fake news. In addition, the use of deepfakes can damage the reputations of the people involved, creating confusion and division among the public who find themselves viewing fake material without knowing it. It is necessary to be aware of this threat and take appropriate measures immediately to certify content with legal value to file a complaint with the relevant authorities.

We can certify any type of audio or video file present in a web page. Certifying deepfake content is important for reporting AI voice scams and AI video scams.

Deepfakes therefore represent a significant threat to the integrity of information dissemination. By seamlessly superimposing someone’s likeness onto another’s body or altering their actions, deepfakes have become a powerful tool for misleading the public and distorting reality.
The ease with which deepfakes can be created and spread across various online platforms has sparked alarm among both experts and politicians around the world.

Furthermore, the potential for deepfakes to tarnish individuals’ reputations is very concerning. Imagine being falsely portrayed as engaging in illegal or immoral acts, leading to serious consequences in both the personal and professional spheres. The repercussions go beyond simple confusion; they sow discord and division between communities, eroding trust and social cohesion.

Given these serious implications, it is imperative to take proactive measures to effectively combat the threat of deepfakes. This includes raising public awareness of the existence and potential impact of deepfake technology, implementing robust detection and verification mechanisms to identify manipulated content, and adopting rigorous legal frameworks to hold perpetrators accountable.

Additionally, collaboration between technology companies, law enforcement and regulatory bodies is critical to develop and implement comprehensive strategies to mitigate the spread of deepfakes. By promoting a collective effort to address this threat, we can safeguard the integrity of digital information and uphold the principles of truth and transparency in the digital age.

Why is it important to certify deepfake contents on an internet page?

1) File Content on the Internet can quickly disappear or be changed. If we don’t certify the file right away, we will lose the opportunity to legally use the evidence.

2) Screenshots of file contents are manipulable. The digital content is easily editable by anyone with minimal computer knowledge. Anyone can edit the content of a screenshot, thus losing the legal value we thought was provable, and such evidence will not be admissible in court. It will be sufficient for the opposing party’s lawyer to deny its validity and your screenshot will immediately be rejected as invalid evidence.

Our file certification will legally establish that evidence existed on a certain date and that the content was not manipulated. Learn more about the legal value of certification in our two areas:
Legal value ( click here )
FAQ : where you can find the answers to all important questions (click here)

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