Trust in us : who we are

That's why you can rely on Informatica in Azienda directed by Dr. Emanuel Celano and safely request the certification services offered

We are a staff of computer scientists, lawyers and labor consultants.
We are moved by a sincere passion for our work and we listen to you, in good harmony, with every type of reality.
We work in synergy with numerous Partners to offer you complete and professional services. was created from an idea of Informatica in Azienda, an IT and business consultancy firm in Bologna, born in 2001 and directed by Dr. Emanuel Celano.

To offer you elements of confidence in our business, you can evaluate our SERIOUSNESS and PROFESSIONALISM from these points, that you can verify:

  • Dr. Emanuel Celano is a member of CLUSIT, the most important Italian Association for Information Security. Membership requires a very rigorous selection – [click here for the list of Clusit members] – Further information on the CV
  • We have been working in the IT-legal sector for 23 years. Informatica in Azienda, an IT and business consultancy office in Bologna (Italy), born in 2001 and directed by Dr. Emanuel Celano.
  • We have over 145 reviews on GOOGLE and ALL ARE ONLY 5 STAR [read reviews]
  • We manage over 10 sites and portals in the IT sector [find the list at the end of this page].
  • We are Partners of the major IT security events in Italy. An example [ItaliaSec Cyber Threats Events]
  • Our Facebook page on IT risks is followed by over 11,000 people with daily articles: [go to the facebook page]


  • We are super fast, the delivery of our certification takes place in a short time directly to your mailbox, this also in order not to lose the data present online, which could be canceled or modified at any time;
  • We offer added value compared to our competitors, thanks to our accompanying report which is very detailed and above all understandable even by those who are not experts in the field and very useful for your lawyer, who will be able to quote our pages in his legal documents without having to prepare explanatory screenshots;
  • We guarantee a qualified and recognized service, where our certified copy is accepted in all the courts and our acquisitions are also deposited on a dedicated and secure server to allow verification of data integrity even by the police or the courts;
  • Our name is synonymous with guarantee, positively evaluated on google business by our customers and appreciated by law courts for a long time, having been among the first in europe to offer the service of authentic copies of web pages.

We have also two apps on google and apple stores ( italian version only ) :

APP 1 : Allerta Pericoli Informatici

allerta pericoli informatici app

Google Play
Apple Store
APP 2 : AiutamiSi ( tanti servizi gratuiti )

aiutamisi app

Google Play
Apple Store
business card informatica in azienda
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