Google Location History Certification

We certify with legal value the google location history

If you need to certify the google location history, you can request our certification service with legal value.

How the data extraction service from a mobile phone of Google’s location history with legal value works:

  1. The customer turns to our company, Informatica in Azienda, for the request to authenticate the history of google positions, relating to a google account used in a specific mobile device.
  2. Following the completion of one of our online digitally signed forms directly on our site (in order to give us an access mandate and to declare that you are the owner of the account), the customer will give us authorization to access his google account.
  3. Our company will perform the data takeout, i.e. at the page it will make the request to download the google location data associated with that specific account, while joining the location history powered by google itself. The mode chosen for the data format will be .json, in a single compressed .zip file
  4. Google will then send an email to the same account, with the link to the GPS location data they recorded relating to the specific account. After creating the archive with the options defined in the previous point, google will then send an email with a link that refers to the extraction page. Depending on the amount of information in your account, this process could take anywhere from a few minutes to a few days. Most users receive the link that refers to the archive with the GPS position data, after a few minutes of the request. Note: If you have signed up for the Advanced Protection Program, the google archive will be created two days after completing your request
  5. Our studio will connect with the client’s username and password to the link provided by google and will download the compressed file in .zip format, in forensic mode with the acquisition of the file itself.
  6. Once the acquisition is complete, we will prepare the report accompanying the certified copy of the email with the data from the google position history archive, a file that we will have signed with a timestamp. It is specified that the extracted history is that of the entire account, therefore it is not possible to certify only some dates with specific paths or specific dates but the entire history together. Thus, legal force is given to the entire history, with all locations being visible. Your lawyer will still be able to cite a path relating to one or more days of the map, inserting in his report the screenshots relating to a specific path or specific days, indicating that the probative value of what he has attached is verifiable thanks to the documented certification file from our work.
  7. The authentic copy of the google history data extraction will be delivered by email to the customer’s mailbox.

How to understand the authenticity of movements on the Google Maps Timeline in order to produce legal proof?
These elements should be considered for forensic purposes:
• the accuracy of the points indicated on the map may have a slight margin of error.
• you can delete visited places from the map and they will not appear in the exported files
• it is possible to RECOGNIZE NON-AUTHENTIC POINTS, MANUALLY INSERTED BY THE USER, thanks to the combination of these two values in the export file: “placeConfidence” : “USER_CONFIRMED” and “editConfirmationStatus” : “CONFIRMED”.

Why is it important to certify the google location history?

1) Why risk losing the ability to download the location history of your account?. If we don’t certify the content right away, we will lose the opportunity to legally use the evidence.

2) Screenshots are manipulable. The digital content is easily editable by anyone with minimal computer knowledge. Anyone can edit the content of a screenshot, thus losing the legal value we thought was provable, and such evidence will not be admissible in court. Also screenshots are not accepted by the judges especially for an important proof like this. It will be sufficient for the opposing party’s lawyer to deny its validity and your screenshot will immediately be rejected as invalid evidence.

Our Google location History certification will legally establish that evidence existed on a certain date and that the content was not manipulated. Learn more about the legal value of certification in our two areas:
Legal value ( click here )
FAQ : where you can find the answers to all important questions (click here)

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