Online Email Certification

We certify with legal value the content of an email

If you need to certify the content of an email that contains text, images and file attached, you can request our certification service with legal value.

We answer these questions:

  • have you received an important email and want to make sure that the content is not lost?
  • have you been threatened by email and would you like to report the sender?
  • an attachment in an email message confirms a contract or payment and would you like to present legal proof?
  • is the email you received with an iban to make the payment false and do you need to protect yourself in a legal case?
  • do you want to certify that the sender of an email message is in a different city than the one he claimed?
  • have you been copied to a group of emails in which you were defamed and want to take steps to protect yourself?

These are just some of the cases in which a certification of your email message is essential and makes the difference for filing a complaint or starting a lawsuit.

The online email authentication work proceeds as follows:

  1. the customer gives us a legal mandate to access his mailbox
  2. through a forensic program with legal value we will acquire the message
  3. the customer can choose whether, in addition to acquiring the email message, he also wishes to proceed with the analysis of the email header. Header analysis is necessary to determine the origin of the message, geolocate the sender and validate the message which may not correspond to the real sender of the mailbox, therefore a fake.

Why is it important to certify the contents of an email online?

1) Email on the Internet can quickly disappear. If we don’t certify the content right away, we will lose the opportunity to legally use the evidence of a message.

2) A screenshots of an email is manipulable. The digital content is easily editable by anyone with minimal computer knowledge. Anyone can edit the content of a screenshot, thus losing the legal value we thought was provable, and such evidence will not be admissible in court. It will be sufficient for the opposing party’s lawyer to deny its validity and your screenshot will immediately be rejected as invalid evidence.

Our email certification will legally establish that evidence existed on email massages at a certain date and that the content was not manipulated. Learn more about the legal value of certification in our two areas:
Legal value ( click here )
FAQ : where you can find the answers to all important questions (click here)

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